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Dr. Ahmed Ramzy's students


A question regarding eradication of chicken pox

A question regarding eradication of chicken pox

Hi Dr.Ramzy, 
I heard before that, chickenpox will be eradicated within one year... is this true????

The answer:
This fact is not true at all
because of that:
The virus, after active infection, migrate through the sensory nerves to make Latency in the supplying ganglion.
The formed Abs can't affect the viruses inside the ganglion, also the antiviral drugs
So, you can't guaranty at all  of us don't have the virus in our normal healthy state.

Regarding Smallpox, the situation is different and eradication was successful due to the following factors:
Small pox virus (virola) has a single, stable serotype.

Human is the only host.

There is no carrier state or sub-clinical infection .

The disease is easily recognized clinically.

The antibody response is prompt, so exposed person can be protected.

I hope the answer is satisfactory.

Dr.Ahmed Ramzy


Shingles vaccine: 
Shingles occur when latent herpes virus particles "escape" a dorsal root ganglion and travel along sensory nerves to the skin.

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