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Bacteria Producing Toxins.....!

Bacteria Producing Toxins.....!
The following file containing all Bacteria Producing Toxins in your faculty book 2010.

  1. Staph.
  2. Strept.
  3. C.diphtheriae
  4. Listeria
  5. B. anthracis
  6. Bacillus cereus
  7. Clostridium tetani
  8. Clost. perfringens
  9. Clost. botulinum
  10. Clost. difficile
  11. ETEC
  12. EHEC
  13. Shigella dysenteriae type I
  14. Pseudomonas
  15. Vibrio cholerae
  16. V. parahaemolyticus
  17. Campylobacter
  18. H. pylori
  19. Bordetella pertussis
Details are in the attached Table

Good Luck

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